Powered Mixers

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What's all this I hear about powered mixers?

Powered Mixers with Power Amplifiers Built-in

Often the term powered mixer means a mixer that has power amplifiers built-in to drive passive loudspeaker cabinets (loudspeaker cabinets without built-in power amplifiers). Never connect the speaker outputs from this kind of powered mixer to your Bose portable PA equipment. You might damage the mixer, the Bose device, or both.

The Bose ToneMatch mixers do NOT have power amplifiers. They are all compatible with other Bose portable PA equipment (L1, Compact, S1)

Battery Powered Mixers

Occasionally, we've seen the term powered mixer to mean one that operates on AC power. This distinction sets it apart from relatively rare mixers that run on battery power. This is not a common usage as most mixers require AC power. There has been [1] some discussion about these because the S1 Pro system can operate without AC power. So it can be useful to have a mixer that can also run without AC power.

A Bose ToneMatch mixer requires AC power for the ToneMatch power supply or it can draw power from an L1 Model 1S or L1 Model II Power Stand.