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The {{L1}} approach to amplifying live music is based on the qualities of unamplified music: each musician in control of his or her sound, the ability to hear oneself and each other, and the sound of each voice and instrument coming from its unique location. This video explains the major historical eras of amplification, from the early days of individual instrument amplification to the era of triple systems ([[Instruments_/_Backline_Amplifiers|backline]], monitors, PA) and the present era that includes the new {{L1 nl}} approach. The unique behavior of the {{L1 nl}} loudspeaker is described along with how it is used by musicians.
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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY9JjH00QTI The L1® Approach and the History Of Amplification]

Latest revision as of 15:06, 6 February 2024

The L1 approach to amplifying live music is based on the qualities of unamplified music: each musician in control of his or her sound, the ability to hear oneself and each other, and the sound of each voice and instrument coming from its unique location. This video explains the major historical eras of amplification, from the early days of individual instrument amplification to the era of triple systems (backline, monitors, PA) and the present era that includes the new L1® approach. The unique behavior of the L1® loudspeaker is described along with how it is used by musicians.

The L1® Approach and the History Of Amplification