Mixer to Share Presets on the Compact
- You have more than two inputs requiring presets.
- Two or more of those inputs are similar, for example: microphones that are of the same make and model.
- You have a stereo mixer or one that has two distinct busses.
General Principles
For the following discussion, a "side" of the mixer is either Left or Right, or it could be a "buss" or "alt" channel routing.
- Pool all microphone inputs to one side of the mixer (e.g. LEFT).
- Take the pooled output (LEFT output the mixer) to Compact Channel 1 (built-in Preset is Handheld Vocal Microphone)
- Pool all other inputs to the other side of the mixer (e.g. RIGHT)
If these inputs are not acoustic guitars with pickups run the mixer RIGHT output to Compact Channel 2 with the ToneMatch switch set to Line Level (down).
- Take the pooled output (the other side of the mixer) to Power Stand Channel 2 and use a Preset that is appropriate for the input, or Preset 00.
- Take the pooled output (RIGHT output the mixer) to Compact Channel 2
- If the inputs are acoustic guitars with pickups set the ToneMatch switch ON (up position)
- If the inputs are NOT acoustic guitars with pickups set the ToneMatch switch to Line Level(down position)
2 Vocals, 2 Guitars
- You have two vocal microphones. Route these through the mixer to Compact Channel 1
- You have two similar Acoustic Guitars with pickups. Route these through the mixer to Compact Channel 2 with ToneMatch switch on (UP).
- Run both microphones to the mixer.
- On the input strips for the microphones pan all the way to the LEFT
- Run the Mixer LEFT output to the Compact Channel 1
- Run both Guitars to the mixer.
- On the input strips for the Guitars pan all the way to the RIGHT
- Run the Mixer RIGHT output to the Power Stand Channel 2
- Set the Compact Channel 2 ToneMatch Switch ON (up position)
2 Vocals, 2 Instruments
- Run both microphones to the mixer.
- On the input strips for the microphones pan all the way to the LEFT
- Run the Mixer LEFT output to the Compact Channel 1
- Run both Instruments to the mixer. I used a Keyboard and an Electric Bass as examples
- On the input strips for the Instruments pan all the way to the RIGHT
- Run the Mixer RIGHT output to the Power Stand Channel 2
- Set the Compact Channel 2 ToneMatch Switch to Line Level (down position)